St Joseph's RC Primary School

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St Joseph's RC Primary School, Market Street Mossley OL5 0ES

Joanne Hirst

01457 832360

St Joseph's RC Primary School

Love, Care, Share, Laugh, Learn & Live

Staff and Governors


Our school governors meet at least once every half term. They hold a responsible position and oversee the organisation of the school, and the curriculum and manage the building and school budget. They also have a responsibility to parents/carers, staff and pupils.

Parents/carers are welcome to apply for positions of Governor as they become vacant. Please speak to the Head Teacher or Parish Priest if you are interested.




Appointed by

Start of Office

End of office

Mary Shaw (Chair)

Foundation Governor

Salford Diocese

1st September 2021

1st September 2025

Lynn Lakner (Vice Chair)

Foundation Governor

Salford Diocese

31st August 2016

31st August 2027

Kate Hallsworth


Parents/Governing Body

18th December 2020

18th December 2024

Sandra Peet


Parents/Governing Body

26th March 2021

26th March 2025

Joseph O'Regan


Salford Diocese

1st September 2024

10th September 2028

Fr James Clarke

Foundation Ex Oficio




Deirdre Kellett





Clerk To The Governors - Mrs M Howarth



Headteacher Mrs Deirdre Kellett
Acting Deputy Headteacher Mr Joseph O'Regan



Teaching Staff Mrs Gillian Barnes
Mrs Rachel Diamond
Miss Lauren Green
Mrs Rachael Howarth (SENDco)
Miss Louise McKenna
Mr Joseph O'Regan
Mrs Lorraine Whiteside
Miss Faye Wilson
Teaching Assistants Mrs Joanne Blackshaw
Ms Nicola Hilton
Mrs Michelle Hodgson
Miss Hayley Lewis
Mrs Paula Lea
Mrs Jenny McPartland
Mrs Alison Rigby



School Business Manager


Mrs Joanne Hirst


Caretaker Mr James Cairns
Cleaner Mrs Deborah Felinski
Midday Assistants Miss Joanie Edge
Mrs Deborah Felinski
Mrs Michelle Hodgson
Miss Lyndsay Howard
Mrs Paula Lea
Mrs Alison Rigby
Mrs Carole Sidwell
Mrs Julie Williamson
Before School Club Miss Joanie Edge
Miss Lyndsay Howard